Saturday, December 23, 2006

My husband

My husband is wonderful. I just need to say that. He's always been great, he really has, and for these past two days he's been so supportive and fantastic... I just have to write it down. LOL

You see, last year my parents and I had a bit of (okay, a big) fall out. And though my mother and I were able to have our relationship resolved (though I still have some residul feelings over that fact that she will probably never see my perspective of the situation), my father and I, however, have yet to speak to one another (other than one brief encounter of a 'hi' when my uncle came for a visit).
So... on Thursday my sister and her family flew in. I was so excited to see them, but I was also a bit trepid.

I knew that my father had spoken to her about me. What am I saying? I mean complained to her about me. He told her exactly what he thought about me. So... I wasn't sure what was to come from this rendevouz we were going to have on Friday afternoon. Friday afternoon was going to be when we would have the whole family photographed: my mother, father, sister, her husband, her kids, myself, my husband and my son.

I wouldn't say I was nervous. I was anxious. Yes, definitely anxious. In fact, I nearly hyperventilated in the car because I was sure we were going to be late and punctuality is very important to my sister. I didn't know what to expect, and I hated that feeling. I didn't want to be thrown for a loop (which had happened before and I did not want to rel-ive that again.

So in any case, the afternoon went FINE. And then we had dinner, and it went FINE. I tried talking to my father, but he was either ignoring me or just not listening. I told myself he just wasn't listening. And then they came back to our house for dessert and everything went FINE. And Josh was wonderful. He had gone out to the store and bought flowers for the table, he picked up the vegan cake and cookies (everything has to be egg-free for Julius), he picked up the fruit tray... I mean, really, he was great.

And then this evening we went to my parents for a holiday gathering, and I really think everything went fine. I wasn't nervous or anything, but regardless, Josh was by my side and would say such sweet things to me... he is so awesome.

I'm a little nervous though because as we were leaving I heard my father tell my mom, "Did you tell her?" And she said, "No. I'll tell her tomorrow," and she glanced at me and therefore I knew it was about me... and that made me paranoid.

So I tried calling after Julius went to sleep but I got their machine. So I thanked them for a wonderful party (which I would have done regardless) and said I'd see them tomorrow for Christmas Eve mass.

I'm a little paranoid because I really feel that these two days have been great and I just don't want to ruin this feeling of "wow! everything is finally okay!" Hopefully I'm just being paranoid.

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International Nights

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