Saturday, May 22, 2010

Looking up

It's a been a great few weeks.
My new job starts in August. August 23rd to be exact. And the speech pathologist who works with me in my current classroom had requested to be transferred to this new site... and she'll be starting in August too! We're going to start up the new intensive-needs group there. I AM SO EXCITED!

My health had seemed to be unchanging and for awhile I was slightly worried because I was getting some terrible chest pains and my shortness of breath had increased...

but on Friday I went to my cardiologist and my pulse rate, though fast, was stable!!!

The beta blockers are working!

So now we're playing the waiting game.

Now that my arrhythmia has decreased, will my heart function increase?

We'll know in July.

Can't wait.

Oh.... and in June, we're going to Disney World!!!!!!!!!

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