Saturday, October 20, 2007
old post from Bill Clinton
Late last night, I arrived in Johannesburg, where I began my six-day tour of Africa to see my Foundation's efforts firsthand, learn from those who are making a difference, and hear the amazing stories of hope from the people we are touching through our work. I know many of you have been following the preparations for my journey at If you haven't, I invite you to visit our site, where you can pledge your support, tell your friends about what we're doing, and read stories from the field on our blog. I just posted my first entry, and I look forward to reading your comments when I get back to New York.
The language of Nelson Mandela's tribe, Xhosa, has a word that perfectly sums up our work in Africa: Ubuntu. In English, it translates as "I am because you are." In this increasingly interdependent world, our fate is inextricably linked with the fate of young people of modest means who are eager to serve their community in South Africa, struggling farmers in Malawi, and Tanzanians who require life-saving AIDS medicine to survive. We have an obligation to help those in need and an unprecedented opportunity to do good in this world, but we can't do it without your support. Join our journey at
Bill Clinton
P.S. How will you partner with us to make change in Africa? Leave your thoughts and comments on our blog.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
well I feel like a fool
I must have missed the memo that said Pluto isn't really a planet. Wikepdia says, "Originally classified as a planet, Pluto is now recognised as the largest member of a distinct region called the Kuiper belt. Like other members of the belt, it is primarily composed of rock and ice and is relatively small." So, like I said, I feel like a fool! LOL When I was really young, I had this book called "Planets," and each page gave a summary of the nine planets. I loved that book because the pictures were so beautiful and the book itself was easy to read. I was like, in first grade or something I think, so it was very child-friendly. I wonder what the science books say now. I can only imagine how many times they need to change things regarding astronomy. In college, I attempted to take an astronomy course. I failed. But I did try!! It's just so overwhelming... I loved the class, but I had the hardest time remembering the names of all the moons and the different bodies in space.... it was so confusing! But I would love to sit down one day and just have someone explain it all to me. :)
International Nights
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