Sunday, May 08, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all Moms, Future Moms, Grandmothers, Female caregivers, etc...

I had a great one :)

I didn't get to sleep in. I didn't get breakfast in bed.
We ended up going out to dinner which wasn't what I originally wanted... but we did return home for tea and cheesecake....

What I DID get though was many beautiful moments with both my children. I also got a song from my wonderful husband and kids.

What I DID get was time with both my mother and my mother-in-law.

What I DID get was another sweet memory.

So thank you. Thank you kids, thank you husband, thank you Mom and Mother-in-Law. I love you all.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Mother's Day Stress

Last year I think I titled an entry "Mother's Day stress," and since this post is a fairly similar rant, I feel justified to repeat the title.



Just... ugh!!!

I don't get. I simply do not get it. I don't understand why it has to be one single day with the moon and the stars and everything so wonderful and perfect... WHY!?? It's ridiculous.

If it were me, Mother's Day would be a kiss on the cheek from my kids, maybe a hand-made card... and if I'm lucky, being able to sleep in an hour. Simple and perfect.

And it isn't as if I'm being ungrateful to my mother or my mother-in-law. Hardly! I love them both and appreciate all they do... but must I take them both out to a resturant, wine and dine them, give them presents, thank them profusely for all they do... all the while chasing my toddler around the resturant and avoiding disgusted stares from patrons who wonder why I would subject THEIR families to the distraction of a shrieking toddler who is tired of waiting for her food and just wants to run?

My thoughts? A beautiful late afternoon at my home with both mothers for desserts and tea. Sounds great, yes? I thought so. I really did.

My mother-in-law thought so too.

My mom? Nope.

I'd repeat last year's rant but it would be easier to just copy the link.

Nothing ever satisfies my parents. I'm sure if I were suddenly a millionare and could rent a yacht, they would complain that the waves were too high.

So I should just forget it and move on, and have my desserts party and ignore the tension and be ignorant to the fact that I will more than likley receive a phone call later about how ungrateful I am.


I have come to the conclusion that Mother's Day sucks.


Masters of War


My daughter is happiest when she is dancing.

International Nights

It's been nine weeks in lockdown and we were getting tired of the same food...the kids wanted something different. So thanks to Google E...