The week of... of what? It's certainly a short week since I'll be going in for my angiogram on Wednesday. Still not nervous or anxious about it. For some reason though, there are a lot of people who are concerned... which slightly irritates me. Yes, I know, I'm loved, blah blah blah... it still bothers me. I like attention, but not this kind of attention.
I've always been a "go with the flow" type of person, and this doesn't change anything. I am still me.
I mean, hell, I think I went through worse having to:
walk around and raise an active preschooler and work full time with a PICC line attached to my arm and nonstop vomiting for the first six month of pregnancy with Isabella.
If I can survive Hyperemesis gravidarum through TWO pregnancies, I think I can deal with a heart condition, thank you very much.
So I'm going to a job fair tomorrow! Very exciting. It would be wonderful to transfer to a site closer to home. The 50 minute commute is quite a pain in the ass.
And I've decided I'm going to make sure I have a lot more fun in life. Josh is simply too stressed. This summer, I am taking that man clubbing... and I plan on getting him extremely drunk and goofy. True, he isn't the world's best dancer in a club scene, but I think given the right amount of alcohol he'll be just fine :)
Also, I'm going to go back to modeling. I've always had fun with that and just stopped once I had kids. What was up with that? I'm so happy to have reconnected with an amazing photographer and good friend, KMann
The photo above is by him, as well as the small cropped picture from my previous post. Hope to have some more fun this summer with his creativity.
Speaking of summer... what to do! where to go! The beach? Canada? Maybe back to Walt Disney World? Decisions, decisions....
Hmmm, but first things first: what to wear for tomorrow's job fair!
Always beautiful Julieta, would love to see more of your modeling pics. For summer you should go to Chicago and maybe do a stopover in Indiana..... hint hint! Loves you. Hope all your tests go well and all, you are loved.
Thanks, Sweetie. BTW, I would love to visit you in Indiana one day! One day!!!
Hey I feel what you mean about being inspired. I have been bitten by the serpent a few months back Its always good to get crazy and creative
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