Okay, "weird" may not be the right word... but I'm using it anyways.
I had thought that I was becoming asthmatic. I was constantly becoming short of breath and I had these chest pains that would come and go... and these "jolts," which I thought were stress-induced because of work.
Well instead, I was told I had an arrhythmia. So I thought, "okay, no problem, let's check it out," and I went to the cardiologist a week later who confirmed that I had premature atrial contractions (PAC). Neither one of us seemed that concerned. He had me wear a 24-hr holter, had some bloodwork done, and then scheduled me for an echocardiogram.
5 days later, bloodwork came back normal. 24-holter showed significant arrhythmias. The echocardiogram however... well, that showed a reduction of function.
Turns out that my Ejection Fraction (ejection fraction [Ef] is the fraction of blood pumped out of ventricles with each heart beat) is functioning at 35%
Yeah, weird, right?
So along with PAC, I'm now being told I have cardiomyopathy.
Fun times, isn't it?
But I'm not upset, depressed, scared or anything like that. Maybe it's because I'm a mom? I just don't have the time or patience to deal with those feelings.
I've always been a do-er, and I've always been one that 'goes with the flow,' so I'm not going to change my way of thinking because of a label.
So... all I can really say is that the last couple of weeks have been weird. It's been a very weird spring break.
On a more chipper note, the kids are doing great! They had a great Passover and a great Easter.
Wow! I commend you for not feeling overwhelmed by this. Is it something harmful? Are you feeling okay now?
We're constantly living with the fear of Kevin's Dad's health. Heart conditions, blood pressure, stomach problems, stones, back problems, infections... One thing after another. He's going to the hospital ER almost once a month. Very stressful.
How's the family doing with it all? I'm sure Julius isn't worried, he knows his mom is a bad ass and will tough it through anything. After all, those pregnancies were no picnic.
I'm feeling fine! That's the crazy thing. I've been so used to feeling tired and having these shortness of breath episodes, that it's like, "oh, okay."
I think Josh is much calmer after talking to the cardiologist yesterday. He's pretty cool.
Julius isn't worried at all. He knows I went to the doctor's because my heart is a bit confused right now, but that the doctor is going to help make my heart stop being a such a "silly goose."
LOL, you're right, those pregnancies weren't fun. maybe that's another reason why I'm like, "sure, whatever..." LOL I mean, I survived HG, I can deal with a little heart condition!
oh julieta, sigh... been thinking of you so much. i get updates from josh and my mom but nice to hear what's going on in your own words! it must feel kinda surreal. "a little heart condition"... yes, there are many of those out there, right? and you always handle things with such strength and calm and humour!
but really now... it must be awfully annoying!
good luck with your new medication today...
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