The job fair was FABULOUS. I think I was pretty awesome. *snicker* Hope the coordinators felt the same. I still need to interview for two other sites. If I am able to transfer, that would be GREAT... but if not, well that's okay to. I mean, I can not stand my boss, but there are worse things in life... such as not having a job and having to pay a mortgage and raise two kids.
So whatever happens, happens.
Tomorrow is the "big day." Poor Josh is beside himself. We went shopping today because we desperately needed a new vacuum. You have no idea how much better I felt after purchasing that little Dirt Devil LOL
The kids fell asleep on the drive home, so I'm not sure WHEN we will actually be able to vacuum the carpets (my children are light sleepers, like their mother).
Prior to shopping however, Josh surprised me by taking us out to the Cheesecake Factory. I ate so much!! We didn't even have room for dessert, which is a shame... they have such delicious cakes. My favorite used to be Dulce de Leche. But now I find it much too sweet. I think I prefer something with a white chocolate base... maybe white chocolate with raspberries... YUM.
Did you know that the average raspberry weighs about 4 grams? That's the same a teaspoon of sugar, but much healthier. How do I know this? Because I am full of useless facts.
I'll write more later!
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