When Julius was small, we used to have little dance parties: just me and him. When he started nursery school, I would turn on the music as soon as we got home. It was a great transition to "home time."
Before Julius was born, I used to dance whenever there was music. I loved to dance.
Somewhere, sometime, I seemed to have forgotten.
When I became pregnant with Isabella, I was too sick with HG to do much of anything. That's when I stopped dancing.
After she was born, I was still too tired to dance...I figured from being sick for all those months...but turns out I had developed cardiomyopathy. I didn't dance.
And when I finally, thankfully, recovered, I was too busy to dance. Too busy making up for lost time.
Recently, I've been feeling pretty damn awesome. Maybe it's because I've been gluten free for awhile now and my energy level is fabulous....but I'm dancing again. In the mornings, I turn on the music and dance...when I cook or clean, I dance...and now I remember the awesome-free freedom I used to feel when I would dance.
Julius doesn't want to dance with me anymore. I won't let the mommy guilt weigh me down. He's 9 now, 9-year olds don't usually want to dance with their moms.
Isabella loves to dance. We dance together, sometimes. Most of the time it's just me, in the kitchen, dancing like an idiot...and I love it.