Tuesday, January 09, 2018

Hello again.

I'm really bad at this. I wanted to at least begin updating once a week...even once a month. Kind of pathetic. But...here I go again.

What's been going on in my life? Well, I took on too much in my life. Nothing new there. I love to be busy. In fact, I love being so overwhelmingly busy that I have to multitask. It makes me happy. I think I enjoy that feeling of chaotic juggling because it makes me feel useful: like I am a part of something. If I didn't move, I'd sleep.

But as all good things, it came to an end as the holidays approached. Thanksgiving to Christmas always causes me stress. Unfortunately, this stress level was higher than usual and I ended up finding myself at the cardiologist's office.

Was my cardiomyopathy back? The arrythmias sure were. The Supraventricular Tachycardias were as well. I didn't want to think about it. I "survived" postpartum cardiomyopathy all those years ago. I couldn't go back to those days.

We learn from things. That's how we grow. That's how we move on. That's how we make progress.

So I learned from that moment of fear. I learned that sometimes I need to let go. Sometimes, I don't need to juggle a dozen hats.

So now I take naps.

Now I say "no"... not always. But 1/10x is better than 0/10. It's a work in progress.

What else can I learn from this?

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