Saturday, September 22, 2018

edible face masks

I've been down for the count since Wednesday evening when I sustained a concussion. Not fun. Technically, I'm supposed to be cognitively resting (Which means no laptop, phone, tv, reading, etc.) but today is Saturday and I have serious withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, it's email-Instagram-twitter-facebook-blog time!

The boys are in New Jersey for hockey (no surprise there), so Isabella and I are having a girls night! That's right, we are doing the whole girlie thang: mani, pedi, facials!!!!!

Now I'm all about putting good stuff in and on my body, so naturally I feel the same regarding my kids. I googled a bunch of different all natural face masks using edible ingredients and the winner was:

Rasberry, honey and coconut oil facial mask

Super easy and fun.

First we mixed the ingredients...smashing the raspberries was fun. Then I smeared it all over Isabella's face. The kid looked like she was ready for an episode of The Walking Dead. Needless to say, together we looked like horror film extras. But the outcome was nice. Our skin felt very smooth afterwards, though I did use some face moisturizer afterwards because my skin didn't feel very hydrated afterwards.

Monday, September 10, 2018


Today is Word Suicide Prevention Day, and though it sad that we have a day focusing on this plight, it's also a good reminder to check in on everyone. Sometimes a small smile, or a quick text letting someone know you are thinking of them can change a person's day.

Sadness can take on many forms, and sometimes it can last for a few hours, a few days, months or even years. And one person's sadness can be different than another person's. It can look like anger, or indifference.

It's important to know what makes you happy and to spend time doing what makes you happy. It's also important to be mindful of your surroundings.

On this day, I invite everyone to take a moment and just smile at someone, check in, even if it's just a simple 'hello.'

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

- @CrisisTextLine
: Text HOME to 741741

- @TrevorProject

Find a reason and live for it.

International Nights

It's been nine weeks in lockdown and we were getting tired of the same food...the kids wanted something different. So thanks to Google E...