Sunday, February 04, 2007

Have you guys heard of NEED magazine? It's incredible. It's the most beautiful humanitarian magazine I've ever seen. After reading it, you just have to sigh and be grateful that there are still some really incredible, wonderful and compassionate people out there in this world that we live in. And thank goodness for that because we would be in a terrible state without them.

I heard about NEED from (RED). Which, is another one of those beautiful organizations that people should really get to know and be a part of.

I haven't written in awhile. I've been overwhelmed at work. As much as I love my job, it can be incredibly emotionally draining and often downright frustrating... but the reward is immesurable. So it does balance out in some way: but I'm tired, and sometimes I feel like I'm cheating out on spending time with my own child... and then that Mommy Guilt rears it's ugly head and I get all sad and mopey... but then I just have to shake it off and "keep on swimming," and hope that it all works out: and it usually does.

Julius is so awesome. I sometimes just sit back and watch him in utter amazement. I mean, he just blows my mind sometimes. He's creative, smart, sensitive, funny... he's his own person, and it wows me on a daily basis. I can't believe he's going to be 32 months... he'll be three in about four months?!?! I can't believe it! Time has really flown by.

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International Nights

It's been nine weeks in lockdown and we were getting tired of the same food...the kids wanted something different. So thanks to Google E...