Friday, October 09, 2009


Usually I love the fall. I love watching the leaves change color. I love going on nature walks. I love the crisp air and the smell of autumn...

But instead of being excited, I've been feeling pretty bleh. Work has been difficult. I'm just not happy with the administration and all the micromanagement. And unfortunately, the stress has seeped into my home life. My weekends are spent dreading the following workweek. My evenings are spent dreading the next work day.

It's frustrating because I have always loved my job, but now with all the changes that have occurred in it has turned the enjoyment into an ugly horrible feeling that won't go away. I sometimes feel physically sick just thinking about it. I need a change.

I just need to get out of this Bleh.


amy rubin flett said...

argh! well... hopefully changes are in the works? it can help if you have a date to count down to. in the meantime maybe we can set up some sort of special social assistance fund for people who are really annoying to work with... with the condition that they are banned from the workplace. money well spent i think! :)

GillianIvy said...

Are you able to influence the situation at all? Perhaps you can speak up and maybe your ideas can be implemented? Sorry to hear you're so miserable.

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