Sunday, August 11, 2019


A friend of mine posted an article on her Facebook recently that left me frustrated. I wanted to respond, but knew it wouldn't be fair to open the discussion on her newsfeed without her permission, so I decided to instead put my thoughts into words and post it here to share with her and others who are feeling the same frustration as I am.

The article I am talking about is here: My Dad is a Right-Wing Asshole. To summarize, it is using the basic idea of "love the sinner, not the sin," which is complete bullshit in my opinion.

It's fake. Actions make a person. If you are against the actions they do, it is your right to feel how you do towards them. Whether or not your feelings are justified depends on perspective.

If a parent abuses their child, does the child really HAVE to say, "This is my parent, he/she brought me into this world, and I must love them and keep an open mind so we can talk without tensions?" No. The child has every right to feel angry, betrayed, and that tension between them is JUSTIFIED.

A person is entitled to their beliefs, and their beliefs should absolutely be respected UNTIL THEIR BELIEFS INFRINGE ON THE RIGHTS ON OTHERS. There is no compromise when people are dying. There is no compromise when someone feels that a group deserves less rights than someone else. There is no compromise when facts are tested & true, and without change people will die.

Since when was being angry such a bad thing? I am angry. I am angry that there are people in the world that think it's okay to separate children from their parents and lock them in cold cages with minimal food and medical care. I am angry that there are people in the world who feel they have a right to make decisions for someone else's body. I am angry that there are people who care more about having the largest supply of assault weapons in their basement that they can buy without a background check than those families burying their loved ones who were senselessly murdered due to gun violence. I am angry that Nazis can be categorized under "very fine people" by some racist, sexist, bigot who is currently overstaying his never-welcome in the White House.

And if someone who I love believes in the above? If someone that I love believes that it is okay to separate kids from their parents and toss them into cold cages, who think it's perfectly fine to have control over someone else's bodily autonomy, who believes their right to walk around with assault weapons is more important than children being murdered, who see nothing wrong with white supremacy, who don't believe that LGBTQA have the same rights as heterosexuals...well, that isn't open to compromise. That isn't open to sitting together, holding hands and singing kumbaya. That person, that human being, is a horrible person. That person, that human being, lacks empathy. That person, that human being, may be someone that I love or loved, but I will not "turn the other cheek." I will not sit there and smile and share in conversations about the weather when I could be doing something more productive: like calling my representatives for change, like attending protests, like donating to causes that I believe in.

No one should feel guilty for feeling anger towards someone they once looked up to. You don't need to keep toxic people into your life just because they gave you life. You didn't choose to be born into that family, and having free will gives you a choice to stay or walk away. That is your choice alone, and don't ever feel guilty with the choice you make.

In an ideal world, we could sit down and discuss our differences. And I feel that can happen. But when basic rights of other human beings are being pushed down, when the Earth is literally overheating, when there is a rise of white supremacy happening in the world as we speak...those need to be addressed first, and if someone agrees that their own race or orientation has more rights than other, when they refuse to help save the world we are all living in, when they see nothing wrong with this rise of white supremacy...THEY ARE WRONG. It's not right versus left. It's basic human rights. If we can't agree in basic human rights, then there is a problem.

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