In my last blog I complained that the week was going to slow, and now suddenly it's Tuesday again. See? There was a point for my bitching, really.
So I'm feeling crappy again. When don't I? Seriously it seems like I just can't catch a break. One of these days I will be 100% healthy and feeling fine for like... a month! That would be awesome. I'm sick and tired of feeling like crap. It's been, like, five months! Sure, I get a day or two when I'm actually feeling like myself again... and then BAM! I wake up feeling like shit once again. And the doctors? All sadists, I tell you. Each and every one of them: sadists.
Oh well, enough complaining.
I can't turn this blog into one huge rant-fest.
So in other news... Mother's Day weekend was wonderful!!! And to top it off, my mum-in-law, dad-in-law and both my parents actually hung out together with Josh and I! I know, I was just as shocked about it. LOL They haven't shared breathing space in...wow...a really, really, really long time. So that was pretty monumental.
Umm...what else to say? Julius loves ice skating. I'm so proud of his persistence in learning how to skate on the ice. He totally rocks. And his vocabulary is phenomenal! I mean, he
easily switches tenses, uses -ing and -ed endings appropriatly, used he/she/him/her/they/them/me/I/mine appropriately... and no one sat him down and taught it to him. He just got it. I've met three year olds who still confuse the he/she/her/him, but Julius was doing it when he was like, 26 months old or something.
We got his progress report back from his nursery school. The report checks off all different areas of development, and Julius reached all his developmental goals... in December. Seriously, this kid is completing 24 piece interlocking puzzles right now. I have no concerns about his cognitive abilities.
So yeah, he rocks.
And speaking of rock. I totally need to get a video of him singing at the top of his lungs, "I am iron toddler!!!" It is hilarious!