Ken, my wonderful brother-in-law ( suggested that I have Julius draw a picture of me (when I had dyed my hair and my camera wasn't working and therefore couldn't share my new look with anyone via online). So yesterday I took it a step further and asked Julius if he could draw a family picture.
The black is our house. The orange is Julius (which is so amusing because when he was an infant he had wisps of red hair and we would call him Orange Julius), the red is me, and the green is Josh.
I found it fascinating just to watch Julius scribble the house, and then make mostly a head for each of us and more scribbles around it for the rest of the body.
Anywho, I wanted to share the picture with everyone :)

How wonderful, it looks like a giant bird landing among some people.
it's a great picture! and that's great that you got to watch him and hear about his decisions and choices. as you may or may not know, my parents saved our artwork, and they would often make notes on the back about what everything was... so wonderful to have many years later. :)
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