Friday, September 14, 2007


Isn't this great? Though in my high school we never had any issues about bullying students who were homosexual (no one really cared who you prefered to sleep with... it was just amazing that you were actually fucking someone) But I know there must have been schools that did have those problems, which is just awful.

So how nice it was to read this about two high schoolers in Nova Scotia. I hope more kids are like them. I would love to hear more about kids like these, or Marc Hall ( .... kids making a difference in this world by teaching tolerance, understanding and most of all, acceptance.

I do remember something from my first year in high school: we got word that a new 6th grader male student, (high school and junior high were in different buildings, miles apart) came to school wearing a dress. No one was fazed by it all. I think most of my friends just shrugged. It wasn't a big deal to us, which I suppose wasn't the same within other schools.

Geesh, it's hard to type when my three year old is singing in the top of his lungs... I hope this makes sense. LOL

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