Thursday, June 21, 2018

Letting Go

There are too many people in our lives that harm instead of help. It's important to not only focus on your physical health, but your mental health at well. Toxic people do more harm than good. Stop making excuses for those that hurt you and move on.

Sometimes it's easier said than done, but with age there is wisdom.

So goodbye to the crap that you allowed yourself to endure for too long. You are worth more than that.

I am grateful for my husband and my children. I am grateful for my silly and affectionate dog as well. And I am grateful that I have enough mind to use my words and tell someone goodbye, knowing that the people I love at home will always be there to be support me.

Sometimes I get sad, and tonight I'm feeling the clouds of doubt circling behind me. But it's because I'm vulnerable. There is nothing wrong with being vulnerable, especially after moments of defending yourself and letting go of the negativity.

Tonight the questions start to plague me that have nothing to do with what transpired today, but just my own insecurities peaking out. I start to doubt the sincerity of friendships when I haven't received any "hey, what's up?" texts from anyone since our work vacation has started. I start to doubt myself, and wonder if I put myself out there too much. It's a hard line to figure out sometimes, and it's harder when you aren't sure if people feel the same about you as you feel about them. When did I get like this?

There is enough hate in this world already. Sometimes we just need to let go, and breathe.

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