We're actually in Canada right now: Mont-Tremblant to be exact. We're having a great time!! We drove, and let me tell you: Julius was an absolute angel!!!!
before I post some pics from where we are right now, I need to post a couple of pics that I wasn't able to upload before...
1. Julius on his big boy bike!

2. Julius at the Air & Space Museum

Okay... I think we're up to date now... LOL
And now we're having a fabulous time in Mont-Tremblant!! Below is a photo of the view from our deck

Wow, he's so tall, up to your belly button! Isn't it so exciting to watch your little one grow?
totally. I can't believe he's aleady three years old!! You have to meet him, he's so awesome. And he loves looking at the photos of your little beauty!
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