There is a lot of information out there about the history of Aztecs, Incas and Mayans. I introduced this topic yesterday using a fun video I found on YouTube that briefly explains the three of them, and then I shared a Venn diagram I found online that visually showed their similarities and differences. Afterwards, I had Isabella write down some interesting facts about each, and then write a question about something else she was interested in learning about.
Of course she was interested in how the Incas did brain surgery! Did you know that the Inca brain surgeons were better (more successful) at brain surgery than the doctors during the civil war?
I also shared the different calendars that each native tribe used, and shared some videos of native dances. You can find many of the ceremonial dances on YouTube. Afterwards, Isabella was told to pretend she was part of the Mayan empire and that she needed to create a poem to the Maya jaguar god asking for rain to help with their crops.
We also looked at the Mayan language and Isabella wrote a sentence using the symbols. I had suggested just one words, but she is a bit of an overachiever!
This morning, we continued the topic by talking about life during that time period, and specifically, how did they could tell what time it was. Afterwards, Isabella designed her own sundial. We then went outside to learn how to find north and south without the use of a compass, and then tested our sundial. It worked!
Later today I'll catch up on cell structures, specifically plant cells since I want to spend as much time as possible outside (it's been raining for the past couple of days) before it starts raining again!
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