Monday, March 16, 2020

Homeschooling: Day 1

So far, so good. One thing I learned already is that parenting styles, like teaching styles, vary person to person. It turns out that my husband and I, who have similar parenting styles, have quite different teaching styles!

If you notice in the schedule above, I don't have any time limits except for the brain break (it's a YouTube movement activity video), 10 minute snack break, and then lunch and recess. I also allow breaks in between subjects, and made sure to ask my daughter if she needed a break throughout each subject as well.

I also made sure to have a mix of videos, hands-on learning, handouts and talking points. I am pretty happy with how this is going so far, and I hope it continues...time will only tell! But what I can say right now, is that this is working right now :)


Several people didn't seem to understand how I could homeschool while working full time if I am, well, working full time. Well, being home with her today, I can tell you that we spent about four hours of actual work plus one hour of lunch & recess. In four hours, my child learned how to solve for x, understood the basics of the planets in our solar system, reviewed perspectives & POV in literature, learned the days of the week in Spanish as well as practiced some emotion words, learned about early art in the 200s AD, practiced her violin, and began learning the history of the C & O Canal. Oh, and she also learned about empathy (or lack of) in most tv shows geared towards children. It was an incredibly productive day! And now she has the afternoon free to play with her legos, read and/or watch a video on YouTube!

Tomorrow will be slightly different because I am planning a field trip to visit part of the C & O Canal.

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