I'm such a planner. I love to plan events. I had an entire day-by-day itinerary planned for Toronto... but now after some consideration, we're thinking about changing our summer vacation plan to... GOING BACK TO DISNEY WORLD!!!
Hmmm.... Toronto or Disney World? Toronto or Disney World? Decisions, decisions!!!!
But it's a fun decision to have to make!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
We're going to Toronto this summer. I am so excited! I've never been to Toronto. The only places in Canada I've been to are Montreal and Mont Tremblant. I love both, so I am incredibly excited to visit a new place!
Of course, we are going to visit the Hockey Hall of Fame. And I want to visit the Toronto Zoo... and at least a few of the many art galleries there. I AM SO PSYCHED!!
Oh, and I booked Julius' party at Bounce U . Thankfully I haven't bought the theme-related plates, cups, decor yet because as of today Julius has decided that instead of Indiana Jones, he'd like an Iron Man theme.
I'm going to wait a few more weeks before buying anything: just in case he changes his mind, again.
Of course, we are going to visit the Hockey Hall of Fame. And I want to visit the Toronto Zoo... and at least a few of the many art galleries there. I AM SO PSYCHED!!
Oh, and I booked Julius' party at Bounce U . Thankfully I haven't bought the theme-related plates, cups, decor yet because as of today Julius has decided that instead of Indiana Jones, he'd like an Iron Man theme.
I'm going to wait a few more weeks before buying anything: just in case he changes his mind, again.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
what came first...
I wish I had one of those long, Victorian-type sofas... I can just imagine myself lying across one right now. One arm draped over my eyes, the other grazing lazily near the floor... if I smoked, my fingers would be curled around a cigarette. But I don't smoke, so maybe my hand is empty, but my fingers are still slightly curled inward against my palm.
Why? You ask.
Because I'm being pensive: pondering passing thoughts....
I'm getting a bit tired answering the same question hour upon hour by meaningful loved ones, including, "How are you feeling?"
It's a bit of a pain in the ass.
And I don't want to sound ungrateful, because really I'm not... but it gets old pretty fast. LOL Perhaps I should just wear a T-shirt that states "Please refer all questions to my blog."
After the angiogram, my cardiologist stated that maybe the cardiomyopathy was a condition from my hypothyroidism. Originally he had thought that perhaps it was postpartum, but maybe it was related to my thyroid. But who knew what came first, and what started what... it was all a mystery.
So today I called my cardiologist and posed a question to him.
I asked him, "What if I never had hypothyroidism? What if I really had cardiomyopathy and was misdiagnosed with a thyroid problem? Then what?"
Taking a thyroid medication when it is not needed can cause cardiac arrhythmia.
Really..? Well, I have cardiac arrythmia.
And taking too much thyroid medication, when you only need a smaller dosage can also cause cardiac arrythmia.
Curiouser and curiouser
So I inform him that, three years ago, when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, the thyroid level was actually right on the border. But the doctor felt that some people were more sensitive than others, and therefore, since I showed all the symptoms (extreme fatigue, always cold, etc.) that I was one of those sensitive people.
So I was put on Synthroid.
Three years later, I have cardiac arrythmia. Two weeks after that diagnosis, I'm told I have cardiomyopathy. What came first?
Now do you see my visual of the Victorian-style sofa?
So what was it? What happened?
Was it thyroid? Or did I have postpartum cardiomyopathy those 3 years ago and instead of treating it, was given Synthroid which masked my symptoms, but then made them worse.
Or did I have hypothyroidism, but was given a too high dose?
Or did I have hypothyroidism, and the thyroid medication (Synthroid) is at a perfect dose and this cardiomyopathy occurred from something else. Perhaps postpartum from my last pregnancy?
What came first? Thyroid? Arrhythmia? Cardiomyopathy?
It's all a mystery (cue 'music' now) *smirk*
Why? You ask.
Because I'm being pensive: pondering passing thoughts....
I'm getting a bit tired answering the same question hour upon hour by meaningful loved ones, including, "How are you feeling?"
It's a bit of a pain in the ass.
And I don't want to sound ungrateful, because really I'm not... but it gets old pretty fast. LOL Perhaps I should just wear a T-shirt that states "Please refer all questions to my blog."
After the angiogram, my cardiologist stated that maybe the cardiomyopathy was a condition from my hypothyroidism. Originally he had thought that perhaps it was postpartum, but maybe it was related to my thyroid. But who knew what came first, and what started what... it was all a mystery.
So today I called my cardiologist and posed a question to him.
I asked him, "What if I never had hypothyroidism? What if I really had cardiomyopathy and was misdiagnosed with a thyroid problem? Then what?"
Taking a thyroid medication when it is not needed can cause cardiac arrhythmia.
Really..? Well, I have cardiac arrythmia.
And taking too much thyroid medication, when you only need a smaller dosage can also cause cardiac arrythmia.
Curiouser and curiouser
So I inform him that, three years ago, when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, the thyroid level was actually right on the border. But the doctor felt that some people were more sensitive than others, and therefore, since I showed all the symptoms (extreme fatigue, always cold, etc.) that I was one of those sensitive people.
So I was put on Synthroid.
Three years later, I have cardiac arrythmia. Two weeks after that diagnosis, I'm told I have cardiomyopathy. What came first?
Now do you see my visual of the Victorian-style sofa?
So what was it? What happened?
Was it thyroid? Or did I have postpartum cardiomyopathy those 3 years ago and instead of treating it, was given Synthroid which masked my symptoms, but then made them worse.
Or did I have hypothyroidism, but was given a too high dose?
Or did I have hypothyroidism, and the thyroid medication (Synthroid) is at a perfect dose and this cardiomyopathy occurred from something else. Perhaps postpartum from my last pregnancy?
What came first? Thyroid? Arrhythmia? Cardiomyopathy?
It's all a mystery (cue 'music' now) *smirk*
Friday, April 23, 2010
Good news!
Not only is the scar from the angiogram so tiny that I will still be able to wear a bikini this summer, but the doctor did not find any permanent damage to my heart. Everything looked great ("pristine," actually).
So now he is thinking that the arrhythmia caused the cardiomyopathy, and not the other way around: which is terrific news.
He's increased my dosage of beta-blockers and we'll see if that will decrease my arrhythmia enough to increase my heart function. The prognosis looks good *smile*
So now he is thinking that the arrhythmia caused the cardiomyopathy, and not the other way around: which is terrific news.
He's increased my dosage of beta-blockers and we'll see if that will decrease my arrhythmia enough to increase my heart function. The prognosis looks good *smile*
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The job fair was FABULOUS. I think I was pretty awesome. *snicker* Hope the coordinators felt the same. I still need to interview for two other sites. If I am able to transfer, that would be GREAT... but if not, well that's okay to. I mean, I can not stand my boss, but there are worse things in life... such as not having a job and having to pay a mortgage and raise two kids.
So whatever happens, happens.
Tomorrow is the "big day." Poor Josh is beside himself. We went shopping today because we desperately needed a new vacuum. You have no idea how much better I felt after purchasing that little Dirt Devil LOL
The kids fell asleep on the drive home, so I'm not sure WHEN we will actually be able to vacuum the carpets (my children are light sleepers, like their mother).
Prior to shopping however, Josh surprised me by taking us out to the Cheesecake Factory. I ate so much!! We didn't even have room for dessert, which is a shame... they have such delicious cakes. My favorite used to be Dulce de Leche. But now I find it much too sweet. I think I prefer something with a white chocolate base... maybe white chocolate with raspberries... YUM.
Did you know that the average raspberry weighs about 4 grams? That's the same a teaspoon of sugar, but much healthier. How do I know this? Because I am full of useless facts.
I'll write more later!
Monday, April 19, 2010
C'est la vie
The week of... of what? It's certainly a short week since I'll be going in for my angiogram on Wednesday. Still not nervous or anxious about it. For some reason though, there are a lot of people who are concerned... which slightly irritates me. Yes, I know, I'm loved, blah blah blah... it still bothers me. I like attention, but not this kind of attention.
I've always been a "go with the flow" type of person, and this doesn't change anything. I am still me.
I mean, hell, I think I went through worse having to:
walk around and raise an active preschooler and work full time with a PICC line attached to my arm and nonstop vomiting for the first six month of pregnancy with Isabella.
If I can survive Hyperemesis gravidarum through TWO pregnancies, I think I can deal with a heart condition, thank you very much.
So I'm going to a job fair tomorrow! Very exciting. It would be wonderful to transfer to a site closer to home. The 50 minute commute is quite a pain in the ass.
And I've decided I'm going to make sure I have a lot more fun in life. Josh is simply too stressed. This summer, I am taking that man clubbing... and I plan on getting him extremely drunk and goofy. True, he isn't the world's best dancer in a club scene, but I think given the right amount of alcohol he'll be just fine :)
Also, I'm going to go back to modeling. I've always had fun with that and just stopped once I had kids. What was up with that? I'm so happy to have reconnected with an amazing photographer and good friend, KMann
The photo above is by him, as well as the small cropped picture from my previous post. Hope to have some more fun this summer with his creativity.
Speaking of summer... what to do! where to go! The beach? Canada? Maybe back to Walt Disney World? Decisions, decisions....
Hmmm, but first things first: what to wear for tomorrow's job fair!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Ready to enjoy the weekend
Wish I had a working camera... had a great Friday evening with my in-laws (Mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law and her adorable little boy!!), husband and my two darling lovebugs... and now I am ready for the weekend.
The beta blockers haven't made me sick, which is a reason in itself to celebrate. I'm going for my Angiogram next week. Not too worried about it. All I'm concerned with is how they are going to stick that IV in me (it's so hard to find my veins... I always end up so bruised: ouch) and how sore will I be afterwards... and nursing Bells. That's in my mind too. I need to pump enough milk to last 24-48 hours. I'm going to feel like a cow on a dairy farm. LOL
Work is going well. I think that the rumor mill finally hit my boss (that I want to transfer out) and suddenly she's actually treating me like a human being. Not sure what that means exactly, but I certainly don't trust her or her crocodile smile!
Thinking about the summer. Maybe getting a new style for the season... hair cut, new color... hmmm... I definitely want to try a more carefree look. Not sure how/what... but I'm waiting to be inspired.
And I want a camera. That is on my LIST OF THINGS I NEED. I have two lists: a short list of things I need/want this year, such as a new camera. And my bucket list of 30 things I plan to do in my life. That list isn't completed yet. My friend Ian convinced me to write it about a year ago. He wrote his Top 40 when he turned forty. So since I was thirty, I made mine "30." Funny how I feel so satisfied already, but there are about 10 things on my bucket list so far. I figure I have time to add to it.
And I still need a THEME for this blog. I attempted making a new blog on wordpress with an alias and all that... I named it Virtues. But I wasn't happy with it. So I'm back to the starting line.
One day it'll hit me. Again, I just have to sit back and wait to be inspired!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Risky Beads
Risky Beads is having a "spring pendant giveway"!
For those interested, click here Risky Beads
Awesome jewelry, check it out :)
For those interested, click here Risky Beads
Awesome jewelry, check it out :)
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Monday, April 05, 2010
It's been a weird 2 weeks.
Okay, "weird" may not be the right word... but I'm using it anyways.
I had thought that I was becoming asthmatic. I was constantly becoming short of breath and I had these chest pains that would come and go... and these "jolts," which I thought were stress-induced because of work.
Well instead, I was told I had an arrhythmia. So I thought, "okay, no problem, let's check it out," and I went to the cardiologist a week later who confirmed that I had premature atrial contractions (PAC). Neither one of us seemed that concerned. He had me wear a 24-hr holter, had some bloodwork done, and then scheduled me for an echocardiogram.
5 days later, bloodwork came back normal. 24-holter showed significant arrhythmias. The echocardiogram however... well, that showed a reduction of function.
Turns out that my Ejection Fraction (ejection fraction [Ef] is the fraction of blood pumped out of ventricles with each heart beat) is functioning at 35%
Yeah, weird, right?
So along with PAC, I'm now being told I have cardiomyopathy.
Fun times, isn't it?
But I'm not upset, depressed, scared or anything like that. Maybe it's because I'm a mom? I just don't have the time or patience to deal with those feelings.
I've always been a do-er, and I've always been one that 'goes with the flow,' so I'm not going to change my way of thinking because of a label.
So... all I can really say is that the last couple of weeks have been weird. It's been a very weird spring break.
On a more chipper note, the kids are doing great! They had a great Passover and a great Easter.
Okay, "weird" may not be the right word... but I'm using it anyways.
I had thought that I was becoming asthmatic. I was constantly becoming short of breath and I had these chest pains that would come and go... and these "jolts," which I thought were stress-induced because of work.
Well instead, I was told I had an arrhythmia. So I thought, "okay, no problem, let's check it out," and I went to the cardiologist a week later who confirmed that I had premature atrial contractions (PAC). Neither one of us seemed that concerned. He had me wear a 24-hr holter, had some bloodwork done, and then scheduled me for an echocardiogram.
5 days later, bloodwork came back normal. 24-holter showed significant arrhythmias. The echocardiogram however... well, that showed a reduction of function.
Turns out that my Ejection Fraction (ejection fraction [Ef] is the fraction of blood pumped out of ventricles with each heart beat) is functioning at 35%
Yeah, weird, right?
So along with PAC, I'm now being told I have cardiomyopathy.
Fun times, isn't it?
But I'm not upset, depressed, scared or anything like that. Maybe it's because I'm a mom? I just don't have the time or patience to deal with those feelings.
I've always been a do-er, and I've always been one that 'goes with the flow,' so I'm not going to change my way of thinking because of a label.
So... all I can really say is that the last couple of weeks have been weird. It's been a very weird spring break.
On a more chipper note, the kids are doing great! They had a great Passover and a great Easter.
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International Nights
It's been nine weeks in lockdown and we were getting tired of the same food...the kids wanted something different. So thanks to Google E...

so maybe getting off the IV wasn't one of most stellar decisions... I've been feeling pretty crappy: though I won't admit to out...
I have the Kaiser Chiefs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u43GGHjLyYo "Na na na na na" song in my head.... You should hear Julius s...
It's been a weird 2 weeks. Okay, "weird" may not be the right word... but I'm using it anyways. I had thought that I was b...