Early this morning, Julius and I began putting away the Christmas decorations before Josh came down the stairs. Josh was bit more than surprised, but I told him it had to be done. Better to do it now and spend this weekend together doing whatever we wanted without the gloom of having to clean up and put the decorations away at a later date.
And once everything was cleaned and stored away, I could breath a little easier. It was then that I realized that even though Christmas is my favorite time of year... it's exhausting!! I was actually happy that it was over and we could start the new year fresh.
I was tired of hosting parties and going to parties and shopping (yes, shopping.) and dealing with the emotional stress of life in general. I just wanted to relax and do nothing but spend time with my husband and son. And I also knew how important that would be for Josh as well. He has been working such late hours and has been so tired this week...
So now it looks like we're hosting a New Years Eve dinner. How the hell did that happen? (cue scream now)
So I'm really excited about hosting dinner tomorrow! I know, what can I say? As tired as I am, I'm excited. :)
I'm planning to make a risotto and stuffed zucchinis. Josh is going to barbecue steaks and we also picked up some fresh shrimp. Being the vegetarian in the family, I had to make sure we had plenty of non-meat items... so we did a lot of shopping. Oh, and wine! I love wine. I wanted Kahlua, but it turns out that not many places sell it because it's a liqueur. Drat. LOL
Happy Holidays!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas
Wishing you and all your loved ones a wonderful Merry Christmas and a very happy holiday season!
My sister and her family left today. I'm a bit sad about it because my sister and I didn't get a chance to talk much. We used to be so close, and now.. well, life makes it hard sometimes. I wish we had more opportunities to talk and hang out the way we used to. I'm hoping Josh, Julius and I will be able to visit her and her family during spring break.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
'Twas the night before Christmas
We had a wonderful time at my parents. Josh, Julius and I arrived in time for everyone to head to the Children's mass. Julius was phenomenal. I mean, we got there an hour early to get seating, and then the mass itself was an hour long: that was two hours of church time. Can you imagine how long that must feel for a two year old?? Julius was incredible. He was so well behaved: I was in awe. I mean, yes, of course he talked often and was a little squirmy here and there, but he's only two! He was incredible. Josh and I were so proud of him.
And then we went back to my parents for dinner and presents. Everything went so well, and I really appreciated how considerate everyone was about Julius' allergies. It was so nice *smile*
After Julius went to sleep, I wrapped the presents and Josh & I put them under the tree... I can't wait to see Julius' reaction tomorrow morning when sees them all!!!!!!
Oh, and the issue that I had mentioned in the last post: everything was settled. I really think everything is going to be okay, and that makes me really happy.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
My husband
My husband is wonderful. I just need to say that. He's always been great, he really has, and for these past two days he's been so supportive and fantastic... I just have to write it down. LOL
You see, last year my parents and I had a bit of (okay, a big) fall out. And though my mother and I were able to have our relationship resolved (though I still have some residul feelings over that fact that she will probably never see my perspective of the situation), my father and I, however, have yet to speak to one another (other than one brief encounter of a 'hi' when my uncle came for a visit).
So... on Thursday my sister and her family flew in. I was so excited to see them, but I was also a bit trepid.
I knew that my father had spoken to her about me. What am I saying? I mean complained to her about me. He told her exactly what he thought about me. So... I wasn't sure what was to come from this rendevouz we were going to have on Friday afternoon. Friday afternoon was going to be when we would have the whole family photographed: my mother, father, sister, her husband, her kids, myself, my husband and my son.
I wouldn't say I was nervous. I was anxious. Yes, definitely anxious. In fact, I nearly hyperventilated in the car because I was sure we were going to be late and punctuality is very important to my sister. I didn't know what to expect, and I hated that feeling. I didn't want to be thrown for a loop (which had happened before and I did not want to rel-ive that again.
So in any case, the afternoon went FINE. And then we had dinner, and it went FINE. I tried talking to my father, but he was either ignoring me or just not listening. I told myself he just wasn't listening. And then they came back to our house for dessert and everything went FINE. And Josh was wonderful. He had gone out to the store and bought flowers for the table, he picked up the vegan cake and cookies (everything has to be egg-free for Julius), he picked up the fruit tray... I mean, really, he was great.
And then this evening we went to my parents for a holiday gathering, and I really think everything went fine. I wasn't nervous or anything, but regardless, Josh was by my side and would say such sweet things to me... he is so awesome.
I'm a little nervous though because as we were leaving I heard my father tell my mom, "Did you tell her?" And she said, "No. I'll tell her tomorrow," and she glanced at me and therefore I knew it was about me... and that made me paranoid.
So I tried calling after Julius went to sleep but I got their machine. So I thanked them for a wonderful party (which I would have done regardless) and said I'd see them tomorrow for Christmas Eve mass.
I'm a little paranoid because I really feel that these two days have been great and I just don't want to ruin this feeling of "wow! everything is finally okay!" Hopefully I'm just being paranoid.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
hair hair hair
Julius had his hair cut today. I specifically said "a trim." I didn't want it cut in the first place but it seemed that everyone and their mother felt that his hair was getting too long.
I happen to like my son having long hair. But I supposed a little trim would be healthy, plus we are planning to have our pictures taken this Friday so it could have worked out well.
Sadly, my ideal "trim" turned into a CUT. I wasn't there, so I obviously couldn't smack the woman with the scissors; but my mother-in-law was: and she told me she tried to tell the woman what I wanted and how to trim it. She told me she was very strict with the stylist. She told me she tried her best. But that bitch with the scissors had her own agenda.
So of course my knee-jerk reaction when I saw my son was a loud gasp followed by tears down my face. Yep, I was really subtle.
My poor mother-in-law felt terrible, but it wasn't her fault. I totally don't blame her for it at all.
And the cut doesn't look BAD. It's just...short. It's just hair... I have to keep telling myself that.... it'll grow back... he still looks adorable. He is adorable.
We are NEVER going to Cartoon Cuts again.
I happen to like my son having long hair. But I supposed a little trim would be healthy, plus we are planning to have our pictures taken this Friday so it could have worked out well.
Sadly, my ideal "trim" turned into a CUT. I wasn't there, so I obviously couldn't smack the woman with the scissors; but my mother-in-law was: and she told me she tried to tell the woman what I wanted and how to trim it. She told me she was very strict with the stylist. She told me she tried her best. But that bitch with the scissors had her own agenda.
So of course my knee-jerk reaction when I saw my son was a loud gasp followed by tears down my face. Yep, I was really subtle.
My poor mother-in-law felt terrible, but it wasn't her fault. I totally don't blame her for it at all.
And the cut doesn't look BAD. It's just...short. It's just hair... I have to keep telling myself that.... it'll grow back... he still looks adorable. He is adorable.
We are NEVER going to Cartoon Cuts again.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
So I ran some errands this morning, and guess what happened? SOMEONE HIT MY CAR!! Yep, no note or anything. Just a huge scratch and dent... a looong yellow scratch and dent.... it looks terrible.
So I called my insurance company and I'm going in next week to get an estimate of the damage and all that. Geesh!!
So I called my insurance company and I'm going in next week to get an estimate of the damage and all that. Geesh!!
Monday, December 18, 2006
new 'do
So I went to The Red Door for a new cut and some awesome highlights. You can't see the highlights in this photo, but they're two-toned: chocolate and golden blonde. I love it. I wanted to go with mostly golden blonde, but Janelle (the colorist) convinced me that for this time of year, I really needed to add chocolate into the mix; and of course, she was right! I love my hair!!!!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Happy Holidays
It's been a great start to the holiday season (which technically began in November when Josh had his birthday, and then it was Thanksgiving...). Julius is having the best time right now!
I admit, we are overindulging him with presents, but we can't help it. Plus, it's not like he's a terror or anything. In fact, Julius readily shares his toys and is such a compasssionate child...it's just beautiful. Like once, a little boy began to cry at his nursery school, so Julius went over to him, gently patted his shoulder and said, "Mommies always come back." Isn't that sweet?!?!? Josh and I couldn't ask for a more wonderful child. He is just the absolute greatest. :)
Monday, December 04, 2006
Deck the halls!

I love this time of year: the lights, the bright colors... the sales at the mall *wink*
We've already put up our Christmas tree, decorated the house inside and out (Josh did an amazing job with the outside decorations!) and have holiday music playing for most of the day.
And Julius is LOVING the fact that he not only gets presents Christmas eve and Christmas morning... but also for Hannukah :) Yep, he's one lucky toddler.
I remember a lot of people had told Josh and I that we would need to pick a religion to raise Julius with. I didn't see a reason then and I still don't. Interfaith is the way to go. I mean, God is God. Most of his fans scare me, but God is God and the basics are the same in every religion. I don't understand why so many people have to judge one another and demand that their religion is right and all the others are wrong. Seriously, why can't we all just get along? It's so frustrating. And the organization of religion is truly the root of evil. Don't get me wrong: I think religion is a wonderful thing... but the ORGANIZATION of it is freakin' scary. There is just too much politics where there shouldn't be. Religion should be personal and nonjudgemental against others.
Anywho: enough of that drabble. Back to the happiness of holidays!!!! :) :)
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving

Hi everyone!
It's been awhile: we've been quite busy. This past weekend was Josh's birthday, which was really nice :) And today is Thanksgiving. There is a lot to be thankful for: a wonderful and loving family including a fantastic son who's healthy and happy, great friends, a rewarding job... so many good things to be thankful for.
And still, it's a time to be reflective about what is going on around us. Let's not be so selfish and overfocus on ourselves, that we forget about those around us: it's their world too.
Let's remember that.
"We can bomb a world to pieces, but we can't bomb a world to peace." I don't know who said it, but I agree!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
it's a lovely weekend

A Democratic victory! Hooray!
It's nice to know that people can make a difference in the world. I mean, those who never thought there was a problem were obviously not paying attention.
Thankfully however, it looks like a lot of people WERE paying attention and we can now breathe a collective sigh of relief.
The Democrats took back the House and the Senate.
It's been a beautiful week.
Saturday, November 04, 2006

So I cut & pasted some of the posting from my yahoo blog. http://360.yahoo.com/my_profile-pF2ZPqY7bqotYn0pH27Tcv7G2A4FTg--;_ylt=As3Y2ptwcsXRpuOuTQfVF0ykAOJ3?cq=1
Things are going well. Everyone still has a cold, but we're starting to feel better.
I'm thinking about returning to dance. I've been saying this for awhile now, I know, but I just spent the last hour dancing in the bedroom and having the time of my life. I forgot how much fun dancing can be. I haven't done it in so long.
Yes, I think I'm going to have to start dancing again.

Wow, it's already November! October was such a crazy month, and whew! Now it's November.. crazy!
Anywho, Halloween was great. Julius dressed up as Diego and had a great time at his school's halloween party and later that night trick or treating with his friends.
And now we all have a yucky cold. Argh! But it was worth it. *smile*
Last weekend in October

It's been a crazy month. I can't complain of being bored, that's for sure! Things have been moving fast and at times I felt like I was being thrown around in the waves of life with little control, but now as the month is ending, things are stabilizing.
This weekend was nice. My husband's sister and her fiance flew down for my father-in-law's birthday. It was a lot of fun. I like my sis-in-law. She's really awesome and just a great person to be around. She's an artist. You can visit her site here: http://www.amyrubin.ca/ or http://www.pinwheeldesigns.com/ And her fiance is also an artist. This was my first time meeting him. He is just the sweetest man. And the love between them is just so beautiful to see.
So Halloween is coming! I'm so excited! I love Halloween. It's my second fav event next to Christmas

sometimes I just want to scream
Okay, I love my job. I really do. I love the kids...I love seeing the progress they make, being part of that, and just making a difference. I love it, really I do.
But then I get these families that are in such denial that they are doing more harm than good to their children, and then they direct their anger towards me...it just makes me want to scream. One family in particular is making me see red. I am trying so hard to help this child, and I see the potential. I KNOW how to help this child. I know it, my co-workers know it...we all know it. Except the parents. And the more I try to talk to them...about anything really, the mom becomes angry at me. And I accept the fact that she's starting to realize that her child is not typical, and she's still grasping at the denial and needs to be angry at something...I understand, and I accept the fact that she's deciding to be angry at me...I get it, I'm fine with it (kind of). But it's hurting the child! And now she's threatening to pull her child out of the program. Part of me wants to say, "Fine! Do it!" But I know what will happen. I've seen it too many times, and I can't stand thinking that this little child is going to disappear from the system and will suddenly resurface when it's too late. Early intervention is the best treatment option..and I know it works.
I'm just so frustrated. And this child is going to transition soon and the program I am recommending is NOT what the parents want to hear or accept. I'm not going to change my recommendation, it's an appropriate recommendation. But I know this family is going to contact their lawyers and all hell is going to break loose. And all I can think about is what will happen to this child (if the parents pull her out of the program) when she turns five? or seven? or my God, 10? It's too painful to imagine.
Sugar Loaf Mountain
Our friends told us about a short cut to get there: we got to drive over a creek!! It was really cool!!! (Don't worry, no wild life was harmed during the drive over it). Anywho, it was awesome, and Julius really loved climbing over the rocks...a little too much! Josh and I were having mini heart attacks as he would climb and jump over them. But Julius loves hiking and climbing, so it was really hard trying to convince him to slow down!!!
Hirshhorn Museum

Today we spent most of the day in D.C. It was so much fun! First we went to the American History Museum to see their car and train exhibit...Julius LOVED that. He loves cars, he loves trains, so obviously he LOVED the museum. We were there for quite some time.
Then we went to the Hirshhorn Museum. They were showing Anselm Kiefer: Heaven and Earth which was just awesome. http://www.hirshhorn.si.edu/Kiefer/ Every piece was amazing. Julius, unfortunately, was sleeping through it....which I think was fine because they were rather morbid for a toddler. (Awesome for grown-ups though!! Very thought-provoking). But then we went to the next floor and they had such incredible pieces of art. Julius woke up for that, which was great, because unlike Kiefer, these pieces were bright, bold and colorful. Julius and I talked about the colors, and I would ask Julius what he thought the paintings were of, and he'd tell me such incredible things, like one was a zebra, another was of Daddy, and another was water. This is why I love modern art. You look at it and see one thing, and someone else looks at the exact same thing and sees something else. Art is based on feelings, and when you feel something when you look at an art piece....it's just so amazing. It's amazing that a piece of art can evoke feelings from someone. I love it. I love art. I mean, someone had these feelings and these thoughts and needed to share it with the world...he/she needed this outlet and here we are, watching his/her feelings, studying, analyzing and accepting him/her. It's just beautiful.
Now I love all art, even more traditional art. One of my favorite pieces is "The Virgin," ( http://www.art.com/asp/sp-asp/_/pd--10291658/sp--A/Virgin.html ) by Abbott Handerson Thayer. You can see it at the Freer Gallery...which is one of my favorite art galleries I have ever had the pleasure to enter. (Hirshhorn is my other favorite). Thayer is one of my favorite artists: http://americanart.si.edu/collections/exhibits/thayer/index.html I just love how peaceful and beautiful the paintings are. Just looking at them makes me what to let out a sigh.
Anywho, back to today. After Hirshhorn, we went to the scultpure garden. I love that garden. The Riply garden was also gorgeous. Okay, really, I just love going to the Smithsonian. Next time we're going to visit the Air & Space museum and Freer Gallery. Hopefully we'll go again soon. Tomorrow we're off to Sugarloaf mountain for some hiking!!!
Saturday August 19, 2006 - 09:04pm (EDT)
Dean has my attention once again
Dean has my attention, once again
Howard Dean was interviewed by the Advocate. It was a nice interview. I really wanted to hear what he would say after that horrible statement he made awhile back. Well, I was happy to hear his thoughts, apology, reasons and ideals. It's an honest and raw interview. If you haven't seen it, here is the link: http://www.logoonline.com/shows/dyn/advocate_newsmagazine_3/videos.jhtml
They also have an interview about that college student that was kicked out of school because he was gay. They discovered it by logging into MySpace. What ever happened to privacy? This is why I cancelled my MySpace membership: lack of privacy.
Ignorant people suck. These conservative, evangelistic republicans are destroying the world. Why can't everyone just accept people? Why must the world always be about someone against someone else? Religion, sexual orientation, ethnicities..... people are people. What's so hard about that?
Howard Dean was interviewed by the Advocate. It was a nice interview. I really wanted to hear what he would say after that horrible statement he made awhile back. Well, I was happy to hear his thoughts, apology, reasons and ideals. It's an honest and raw interview. If you haven't seen it, here is the link: http://www.logoonline.com/shows/dyn/advocate_newsmagazine_3/videos.jhtml
They also have an interview about that college student that was kicked out of school because he was gay. They discovered it by logging into MySpace. What ever happened to privacy? This is why I cancelled my MySpace membership: lack of privacy.
Ignorant people suck. These conservative, evangelistic republicans are destroying the world. Why can't everyone just accept people? Why must the world always be about someone against someone else? Religion, sexual orientation, ethnicities..... people are people. What's so hard about that?
Not bad. I cried a little, but not too bad at all. And during my lunch hour I went to the store and bought Julius presents. LOL Yes, the bigger my guilt, the bigger his gifts. LOL
When my work day was finished and I went to pick him up from my mother-in-law's (our nanny is still on vacation) he ran over to me with the biggest smile, yelling, "Mommy!" and he hugged me. I nearly cried again. I love my little boy so much.
Tomorrow I won't have to be in until a little after nine, so hopefully we'll be able to play a bit together in the morning.
Sigh...labor day weekend is only a couple weeks away....
When my work day was finished and I went to pick him up from my mother-in-law's (our nanny is still on vacation) he ran over to me with the biggest smile, yelling, "Mommy!" and he hugged me. I nearly cried again. I love my little boy so much.
Tomorrow I won't have to be in until a little after nine, so hopefully we'll be able to play a bit together in the morning.
Sigh...labor day weekend is only a couple weeks away....
On Monday I'll be back at work. I was looking over at the photos of when Julius was born. He was so small. He was from my palm to my elbow...can you imagine? He was so little. And now he's 26 months old.... 38 inches tall and 30 pounds. Not so small. But he's still my baby.
I told him that I was going back to work soon. He told me, "No, Mommy. Daddy work. Mommy home wid me." I could've bawled. I explained to him how I had to go, but that I would miss him. He then said, "Mommy miss me. Me miss Mommy. No work, Mommy. Mommy home. Mommy play. Mommy me home." I felt the lump in my throat. It's just so hard. Monday is going to be so hard for me.
I told him that I was going back to work soon. He told me, "No, Mommy. Daddy work. Mommy home wid me." I could've bawled. I explained to him how I had to go, but that I would miss him. He then said, "Mommy miss me. Me miss Mommy. No work, Mommy. Mommy home. Mommy play. Mommy me home." I felt the lump in my throat. It's just so hard. Monday is going to be so hard for me.
my last week of vacation
It's been such a blast. Next week I'll be back at work, and I'm totally dreading it.
My little boy is going to cry, I'm going to cry...it's going to be a horrible mess.
Now don't get me wrong, I love my job, but I would much rather be home with my little boy.
It totally sucks. Money sucks. I mean, yes, you can buy nice and pretty things with it, but at what cost? Cost of family time, that's what. And living in this way too expensive and overly ambitious society is just not fair for children. Look at Canada, they have a year of maternity leave! It's not fuckin' fair. I only had two and half months and then I had to go back to work. It was hard then, and hard again after every beautifully long vacation...who am I kidding, it's hard everyday. But we have to do it because it pays the bills. It pays the bills, pays for food, clothing, toys and things that we need and sometimes just want. And it pays for the nanny....see the cycle? It's life, but it's not fair. But who said life was ever fair?
I don't resent Josh. He works his ass off, I know. And I know he wishes I could stay home, at least part-time. But it's impossible for that to happen. Maybe in a few years I can go part-time. Maybe when Julius starts kindergarden. Yeah, I can be hopeful. He's two now. Maybe when he's five? Yeah, I don't want another baby. I know it might sound a little odd, but I feel like it's already complete. I can't imagine anyone else in my family other than Julius and my hubby. Just the three of us. My heart is complete.
So maybe when he's 5 I can go part-time. It won't be that bad. I'll work when he's at school and be home when he's home....kindergarden is a full day here. So he'd be done at three and so would I. That could work. I could do that.
Just three more years.
My little boy is going to cry, I'm going to cry...it's going to be a horrible mess.
Now don't get me wrong, I love my job, but I would much rather be home with my little boy.
It totally sucks. Money sucks. I mean, yes, you can buy nice and pretty things with it, but at what cost? Cost of family time, that's what. And living in this way too expensive and overly ambitious society is just not fair for children. Look at Canada, they have a year of maternity leave! It's not fuckin' fair. I only had two and half months and then I had to go back to work. It was hard then, and hard again after every beautifully long vacation...who am I kidding, it's hard everyday. But we have to do it because it pays the bills. It pays the bills, pays for food, clothing, toys and things that we need and sometimes just want. And it pays for the nanny....see the cycle? It's life, but it's not fair. But who said life was ever fair?
I don't resent Josh. He works his ass off, I know. And I know he wishes I could stay home, at least part-time. But it's impossible for that to happen. Maybe in a few years I can go part-time. Maybe when Julius starts kindergarden. Yeah, I can be hopeful. He's two now. Maybe when he's five? Yeah, I don't want another baby. I know it might sound a little odd, but I feel like it's already complete. I can't imagine anyone else in my family other than Julius and my hubby. Just the three of us. My heart is complete.
So maybe when he's 5 I can go part-time. It won't be that bad. I'll work when he's at school and be home when he's home....kindergarden is a full day here. So he'd be done at three and so would I. That could work. I could do that.
Just three more years.
The Dresden Dolls
I love the Dresden Dolls!
love the Dresden Dolls!! Current mood: awake Category: Music
Okay, anyone who knows me knows that my favorite band is the Dresden Dolls...and now I've discovered YouTube, which plays videos and live footage from them FOR FREE!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDauhQdOhyg That's the link to watch their video, "Girl Anachronism," which totally rocks.
Also, have you read about Pandora.com? You type up your fav band or song, and they create an entire "radio station" for you based on it. You yeah or nay the songs, edit your preferences....and it's totally free.
Free is good.
So anyways, Dresden Dolls kick ass, check out their videos, live concert performances and all that good stuff. Oh, and visit pandora.com because that is a great site for hearing awesome music!
love the Dresden Dolls!! Current mood: awake Category: Music
Okay, anyone who knows me knows that my favorite band is the Dresden Dolls...and now I've discovered YouTube, which plays videos and live footage from them FOR FREE!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDauhQdOhyg That's the link to watch their video, "Girl Anachronism," which totally rocks.
Also, have you read about Pandora.com? You type up your fav band or song, and they create an entire "radio station" for you based on it. You yeah or nay the songs, edit your preferences....and it's totally free.
Free is good.
So anyways, Dresden Dolls kick ass, check out their videos, live concert performances and all that good stuff. Oh, and visit pandora.com because that is a great site for hearing awesome music!
It's all about the blue, baby
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Hi everyone,
This world is sliding down a shitty slide and it's up to all of us to
1. make sense of it
2. clean it up!
I mean really, what the fuck is happening in our lifetime? So much fighting: both here within our communities, the surrounding states, our nation and worldwide.
Not to sound corny, but seriously, "can't we all just get along?"
That Duke lacrosse player that raped that poor girl...also was involved in a gay bashing crime. That sick fuck.
As per more on the horrible crime known as gay bashing...in London, a man that was so severely disfigured from being bashed (because he was gay) leaped to his death over a railroad bridge.
Okay, dudes, who cares who is fucking who? Unless you're sleeping with the person, it's none of your damn business: so why the fuck are people making such a big deal about homosexuality? People are people. A person's sex life is personal (unless you're into voyeourism, LOL) My God, these conservatives are just making the world a scary place to live in.
There is nothing wrong with being gay.
Everyone is fighting. In Israel, bombs are going off. The Beirut airport is in flames, a Hezbollah rocket kills 8 in Haifa...one of my best friends live in Haifa. Thank God she's okay, but others are not. What is going on in this world? CNN calls it "Intense fighting." Well, that's an understatement.
Escalating attacks by the Taliban and other armed groups on teachers, students and schools in Afghanistan are shutting down schools and depriving another generation of an education. Schools for girls have been hit particularly hard.
Back on our side of the world, three children were found nearly dead from starvation: their adoptive parents are charged. WTF?! They were tied to be kept from the food. That is just sick.
Those who are fighting the wildfires in California will now have to deal with flooding. Oh fuckin' joy.
In Washington state, a mother and daughter were found murdered on a hiking trail.
There are at least 2,225 child offenders serving life without parole sentences in U.S prisons for crimes committed before they were age 18. What the hell?!
Gov. Michael Rounds (like other dumbasses in the government) wants to ban abortion. Gee, yes, let's bring back the back-alley abortions into the U.S. That's a fabulous idea. Anyone who agrees with Gov. Rounds should read this http://hrw.org/english/docs/2006/03/24/mexico13072.htm article.
Global warming! Need I say more? If global warming continues:
Deaths from global warming will double in just 25 years -- to 300,000 people a year.
Global sea levels could rise by more than 20 feet with the loss of shelf ice in Greenland and Antarctica, devastating coastal areas worldwide.
Heat waves will be more frequent and more intense.
Droughts and wildfires will occur more often.
The Arctic Ocean could be ice free in summer by 2050.
More than a million species worldwide could be driven to extinction by 2050.
You can calculate your own global impact here: http://www.climatecrisis.net/takeaction/carboncalculator/
So....where to start? There are so many causes to fight for: war, equality, human rights, the environment.....
Do your part, people!!!
Hi everyone,
This world is sliding down a shitty slide and it's up to all of us to
1. make sense of it
2. clean it up!
I mean really, what the fuck is happening in our lifetime? So much fighting: both here within our communities, the surrounding states, our nation and worldwide.
Not to sound corny, but seriously, "can't we all just get along?"
That Duke lacrosse player that raped that poor girl...also was involved in a gay bashing crime. That sick fuck.
As per more on the horrible crime known as gay bashing...in London, a man that was so severely disfigured from being bashed (because he was gay) leaped to his death over a railroad bridge.
Okay, dudes, who cares who is fucking who? Unless you're sleeping with the person, it's none of your damn business: so why the fuck are people making such a big deal about homosexuality? People are people. A person's sex life is personal (unless you're into voyeourism, LOL) My God, these conservatives are just making the world a scary place to live in.
There is nothing wrong with being gay.
Everyone is fighting. In Israel, bombs are going off. The Beirut airport is in flames, a Hezbollah rocket kills 8 in Haifa...one of my best friends live in Haifa. Thank God she's okay, but others are not. What is going on in this world? CNN calls it "Intense fighting." Well, that's an understatement.
Escalating attacks by the Taliban and other armed groups on teachers, students and schools in Afghanistan are shutting down schools and depriving another generation of an education. Schools for girls have been hit particularly hard.
Back on our side of the world, three children were found nearly dead from starvation: their adoptive parents are charged. WTF?! They were tied to be kept from the food. That is just sick.
Those who are fighting the wildfires in California will now have to deal with flooding. Oh fuckin' joy.
In Washington state, a mother and daughter were found murdered on a hiking trail.
There are at least 2,225 child offenders serving life without parole sentences in U.S prisons for crimes committed before they were age 18. What the hell?!
Gov. Michael Rounds (like other dumbasses in the government) wants to ban abortion. Gee, yes, let's bring back the back-alley abortions into the U.S. That's a fabulous idea. Anyone who agrees with Gov. Rounds should read this http://hrw.org/english/docs/2006/03/24/mexico13072.htm article.
Global warming! Need I say more? If global warming continues:
Deaths from global warming will double in just 25 years -- to 300,000 people a year.
Global sea levels could rise by more than 20 feet with the loss of shelf ice in Greenland and Antarctica, devastating coastal areas worldwide.
Heat waves will be more frequent and more intense.
Droughts and wildfires will occur more often.
The Arctic Ocean could be ice free in summer by 2050.
More than a million species worldwide could be driven to extinction by 2050.
You can calculate your own global impact here: http://www.climatecrisis.net/takeaction/carboncalculator/
So....where to start? There are so many causes to fight for: war, equality, human rights, the environment.....
Do your part, people!!!
Wednesday July 26, 2006
I am so annoyed. We decided to go to the fairgrounds for their 'kids day'. They promised rides, food, prizes and fun.
Not only was I not allowed to go on any of the kid rides with my son (who is not EVEN TWO yet!!...so he obviously did not ride in any of the rides...and these rides were dinky little 'sit in the car and let's go around the track at 2 mph...I mean, come on!! The car, the train, the plane...they wouldn't let me on any of them...and the most INSANE thing was that some parents were letting their two year olds ride them..I mean, my GOD! What if they tried to reach down and touch the track? What if they got scared and began to cry? I mean, come on...these are toddlers!), but when I asked what kind of oil the food was cooked in, they said peanuts.
I know peanut oil is cheap...but with so many more people being allergic to peanuts, why must a "kid-friendly' fair choose peanuts as their oil of choice?!?! What about vegetable oil? Olive oil? Hey, I know, how about no oil?
Camden Yards...peanut oil. No peanut free section. Nope. Kids with peanut allergies must watch baseball games on television.
Yes peanut oil is cheaper...but let me take a capitalist approach here... if you use a non-peanut oil, more people will be able to buy your food...thus, a profit could be in their future. Dumb asses.
So, no. We did not have fun at their stupid kids day.
Not only was I not allowed to go on any of the kid rides with my son (who is not EVEN TWO yet!!...so he obviously did not ride in any of the rides...and these rides were dinky little 'sit in the car and let's go around the track at 2 mph...I mean, come on!! The car, the train, the plane...they wouldn't let me on any of them...and the most INSANE thing was that some parents were letting their two year olds ride them..I mean, my GOD! What if they tried to reach down and touch the track? What if they got scared and began to cry? I mean, come on...these are toddlers!), but when I asked what kind of oil the food was cooked in, they said peanuts.
I know peanut oil is cheap...but with so many more people being allergic to peanuts, why must a "kid-friendly' fair choose peanuts as their oil of choice?!?! What about vegetable oil? Olive oil? Hey, I know, how about no oil?
Camden Yards...peanut oil. No peanut free section. Nope. Kids with peanut allergies must watch baseball games on television.
Yes peanut oil is cheaper...but let me take a capitalist approach here... if you use a non-peanut oil, more people will be able to buy your food...thus, a profit could be in their future. Dumb asses.
So, no. We did not have fun at their stupid kids day.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Go green! Current mood: contemplative
Being that this is my first blog, I decided to get serious and write about something, well, serious. Has anyone read the Green issue of Vanity Fair? Dudes, you have to check it out. Al Gore's article is phenomenal. I mean, he really needs to run for president again. Hopefully more people will get their heads out of their asses and vote. This guy is so smart and totally for the environment. We need more people like him. Bush is horrible, and after reading the green issue I realize that he, and his administration, is even more horrible and ignorant than I ever thought a human could be.
Speaking of ignorance, I can not believe what Howard Dean did. I was so disappointed. I mean, I've considered myself to be a big Dean supporter, but then he goes and tells some group that he feels that marriage is between a man and a woman. WTF?! Marriage is between any two consenting people who love one another. Seriously, WTF was Howard thinking to say that it's a union only between a man and a woman....that is so ignorant.
There are some ignorant people in the world. It's scary that most of them seem to be the ones with political power.
Being that this is my first blog, I decided to get serious and write about something, well, serious. Has anyone read the Green issue of Vanity Fair? Dudes, you have to check it out. Al Gore's article is phenomenal. I mean, he really needs to run for president again. Hopefully more people will get their heads out of their asses and vote. This guy is so smart and totally for the environment. We need more people like him. Bush is horrible, and after reading the green issue I realize that he, and his administration, is even more horrible and ignorant than I ever thought a human could be.
Speaking of ignorance, I can not believe what Howard Dean did. I was so disappointed. I mean, I've considered myself to be a big Dean supporter, but then he goes and tells some group that he feels that marriage is between a man and a woman. WTF?! Marriage is between any two consenting people who love one another. Seriously, WTF was Howard thinking to say that it's a union only between a man and a woman....that is so ignorant.
There are some ignorant people in the world. It's scary that most of them seem to be the ones with political power.
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